How Do We Learn How to Assert and Stand Up for Ourselves?

January 12th, 2019 No comments

consumer confidence!

A lot of people have problems asserting or standing up for themselves, present company included. If you can identify with this and failed over and over again to get over this, it’s possible that you have been going about it the wrong way. For some people, becoming assertive is more than about simply working on being more assertive and involves a more holistic approach where you work on YOU as a whole. Read more…


Confidence vs. Self-Esteem – Is There a Difference?

September 30th, 2015 No comments


I believe that many people confuse having confidence and having self-esteem as one in the same thing. I used to be one of those people. You can have confidence without having any self esteem and you can have self-esteem without having any confidence in a particular area. Obviously though, it’s good to have BOTH. Read more…


WARNING – Do NOT Let the Church Guilt Trip You about Having High Self Esteem and Self Confidence

April 7th, 2015 No comments

Christ Church Cathedral

The other day I had a quite disturbing conversation with a Christian who was saying that having self-confidence and high self-esteem was of the Devil and leads to self-destruction. Read more…
