My Unique, “Unorthodox” Walk with God

January 12th, 2016 No comments

Walk of light

My last blog post where I expressed some of my doubts about what we call the present day Bible and how Christians use the Bible has sparked some interesting discussions about God, the Bible and Christianity.

This had led me to write this week about my own unique walk with the Heavenly Father.

I’ve often been looked at as too “Christian” by New Age people and too “New Age” by Christian people.

Does that mean that I’m confused? Not necessarily. What it does mean is that when you seek to walk with God in your life, the way in which God leads you will not make sense to most people, not even to you, but you know what? It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you trust God and know that He knows where He wants to take you and what He wants to do with you. Read more…
