Why Being Told to “Get Over It” Is Probably the Best Advice You’ve Ever Been Given

November 25th, 2014 No comments

A Tear of Grief

In life, we all know of many people who have a load of issues in their lives with legitimate excuses as to why they’re messed up.

“My mother threw me down the stairs.”

“My father abandoned us.”

“My parents never made me feel loved.” Read more…


Personal Responsibility – Get on it!

November 18th, 2014 1 comment

Working out

I was talking to a close friend recently, and she was telling me about a friend of hers who had a successful physical therapy practice in Brazil. She was quite well off financially, but she was extremely negative, unhappy, and always complaining about her life. In her head, her life was horrible and she was never happy with what she had. She said her external life reflected her behaviour in that it was a mess. Read more…


Com’on, What Are You REALLY Hiding?

November 11th, 2014 No comments

Hidden, again

I remember in the 90s, when my friends wanted to roll to the “weed spot” to cop some weed, they talked of this one place they patronized that was for all intents and purposes a bodega. In the back of the bodega there was a bathroom which had a medicine cabinet with a mirror that opened. When you opened the door to the medicine cabinet you’d see a wooden wall. If you were to knock several times on the wall, someone from behind the wall would open a slit in the wall and ask you what you wanted, and you’d order your weed. He’d then get the weed, you’d pass your money through the slit and he’d in turn hand you your stash, and then you’d leave the store. Read more…


10 Brutally Honest Reasons Why You’ll Never Be Happy

November 4th, 2014 No comments

Profound Sorrow

Let’s face it, as negative sounding as the title sounds, most people walking around the planet are extremely unhappy and will most likely stay that way. If you have any question about my claim that most people are unhappy, just look at the high divorce rate, the high rate of crime, the drug abuse, the wars that go on due to people’s egos, the amount of people on depression meds, etc, etc. Here are ten reasons why you’re unhappy and likely to remain that way. I’ll even go as far as to say that I’m not innocent of some of the things on this list either, and have to consistently remain vigilant so as not to fall into some of these patterns. Read more…
